
Women’s Emancipation and Development Agency (WOMEDA) Executive Director Juma Massisi (seated, center) facilitates conversation among women and Amizade students in Kayanga, Tanzania, as part of research that supported a successful United States Agency for International Development grant award for WOMEDA.


DukeEngage students Jeline Rabideau and Jenny Denton worked with middle school girls, such as ​Katie, in Western North Carolina to enhance literacy skills through digital storytelling projects focused on their families.


DukeEngage independent project student Alex Saffrit collaborated with a community member, Moses, in Nkokonjeru, Uganda, on a solar cooker project.


Ernesto Alaniz, community maintenance leader, Villanova civil engineering student Allie Braun, and Water for Waslala program manager Iain Hunt cooperate to inspect a new water tank near Santa Maria Kubali, Nicaragua.

Facilitating Reflection

Reflection is central to service-learning done well. It advances intercultural understanding and cross-cultural communication skills. It is the key component in deliberately fostering a global perspective. It is, in short, the foundation for learning deeply about self, others, values, and academic content. Reflective activities specific to individual areas are found elsewhere within the wiki (intercultural understanding, global citizenship, community-driven service). Below are materials helpful for considering reflection itself.


  1. Campus Compact’s Comprehensive Guide, Using Structured Reflection to Enhance Learning from Service 
  2. A brief guide to facilitating reflection that is specifically geared to immersion experiences such as study abroad or alternative spring breaks. The guide includes an example process for facilitating discussion on Pico Iyer’s “Why We Travel.
  3. Research articles on reflection in global service-learning also feature many best practice insights.