
Women’s Emancipation and Development Agency (WOMEDA) Executive Director Juma Massisi (seated, center) facilitates conversation among women and Amizade students in Kayanga, Tanzania, as part of research that supported a successful United States Agency for International Development grant award for WOMEDA.


DukeEngage students Jeline Rabideau and Jenny Denton worked with middle school girls, such as ​Katie, in Western North Carolina to enhance literacy skills through digital storytelling projects focused on their families.


DukeEngage independent project student Alex Saffrit collaborated with a community member, Moses, in Nkokonjeru, Uganda, on a solar cooker project.


Ernesto Alaniz, community maintenance leader, Villanova civil engineering student Allie Braun, and Water for Waslala program manager Iain Hunt cooperate to inspect a new water tank near Santa Maria Kubali, Nicaragua.

Toolkit: Interdependence

Hello, and welcome to Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions. We’re glad you’re here. We created this online inquiry and action toolkit, because we – the people of this beautiful and complex world – often do not understand and embrace our interdependence well enough.

In Solidarity,

The Community Based Global Learning Collaborative, a diffuse network with a home in the Haverford College Center for Peace and Global Citizenship

Visit our about page for a list of collaborators and co-contributors

Table of Contents 

Welcome: Introduction and Overview

Interdependence & Civic Action

How are we interdependent, and how might we grapple with that?

What does global citizenship have to do with local actions and community-building?

What is structural violence, and why is understanding it essential for informed civic action?

How do people organize to advance justice, inclusion, and sustainability?

How do my strengths, skills, and dispositions relate to advancing just, inclusive, sustainable communities?

What is sustainability and in what ways does it interconnect with global solidarity and local actions? 

How is global citizenship related to ecological interdependence?

How do we know whether we make progress on justice, inclusion, and sustainability?

Interdependence: Wrap-Up

Cultural Humility

How can you strengthen your knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to enact cultural humility in diverse contexts?

How can cultural humility help us recognize and challenge power imbalances while advancing institutional accountability?

Global Health

What is global health and why does it matter?

Participatory Research

How can research contribute to building more just, inclusive, and sustainable communities?

Research for what? For whom?

How does my positionality relate to how I might share stories to advance positive social change?

How can we ensure co-construction through all phases of the research process?

Fair Trade Learning – Ethical Partnerships

How can we work to ensure ethical community-campus partnerships in local and global experiential education?

How can we apply Fair Trade Learning to partnerships?

Justice, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Philadelphia

What is the status of justice, inclusion, and sustainability in Philadelphia?

Decarceration in the #Philly region – Where to start?

Where can I get started with organizations advancing sustainability in Philadelphia?

What is structural racism, and how has it affected the #Philly region?

European Social Change and Activism

How are concepts, practices, and histories of social change and activism unique in European contexts?

More than 50 years later, why are we still talking about 1968? What are its legacies in Europe?

Does grassroots organizing make change happen – in Europe?