GSL 5: Sessions

5th Global Service-Learning Summit | April 15-17, 2018 |University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN

Pre-summit workshop: Global Service Learning 101

Richard Kiely (Cornell University), Nora Pillard Reynolds (Globalsl & Haverford College), Rachel Tomas-Morgan (University of Notre Dame)

CS1 | Exploring Diversity and Dignity through a Boundary Crossing Experiential Assignment

Jessica Friedrichs & Janice McCall (Carlow University)

CS4 | Making the story, telling the story, and ethical representation through partnerships

Daniel Bryan (Pachaysana Institute), Moises Garcia Guzman (Zapotec Community Language and Cultural Preservation); Eric Hartman (Haverford College), Brook Lillehaugen (Haverford College), Mary Kearney Brown (Haverford College), Kate Weiler (Haverford College)

CS8 | Enlisting Critical Literacy in Global Service-Learning Programs to Deepend Participants’ Learning and Unlearning

Jill Manske (Michigan State University)

[Additional resource: Handout]

CS11 | Seeing Beyond Boundaries: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Bridging Ethical Global Learning and Campus Context

Dennis McCunney, Susan McCammon, Kim Larson (all of East Carolina University)

CS14 | A Values-based Approach to Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Global Service Learning

Diana Marvel (Ohio University), Jose Santiago Andrade Zapata, Veronica Egas, & Emilio Salao Sterckx (Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Ecuador)

[Additional resource: Handout]

CS16 | Deepening the Local-Global Connection: Sustained Community-Based Learning in Global Health and Migrant Rights

Cynthia Toms (Westmont College), Marco Antonio Lopez (Casa de los Amigos), Alexandra Wolkoff (Puentes de Salud), Eric Hartman (Haverford College), Shannon Wheatley Hartman (Interactivity Foundation & Haverford College), Rosa Urquiza (Haverford College)

CS17 | Dignity and Justice: What does it mean for health-related Global Service Learning?

Jessica Evert (Child Family Health International)

CS21 | Assessing Intercultural Competence, Civic Engagement, and Critical Reflection: The Global Engagement Survey

Nora Pillard Reynolds (Globalsl & Haverford College), Meghan Ozaroski (Northwestern University), Jessica Evert (Child Family Health International), Dennis McCunney (East Carolina University), Erin Sabato (Quinnipiac University)

CS22 | Power and “Culture” in Encounters across Difference: Pitfalls and Possibilities for Global Partnerships and Student Learning

Willy Oppenheim (Omprakash), Latika Young (Florida State University), Evan Wollen (Claremont McKenna College), Eric Opoku Agyemang (Patriots of Ghana), Ron Krabill (University of Washington)

CS 23 | Nurturing a Community of Practice Supporting University-wide Institutional Change in Global Health Volunteerism: A Case Example in Progress

Mary Price and Stephanie Leslie (IUPUI); Maria Brann (IU School of Liberal Arts); James Mulholland (CoCoDa); Lisa Christy, Jennifer Custer and Kari Lynn Besing (Indiana University School of Medicine)

[Additional resource: Vignettes, Guiding Principles]

CS24 | Service Learning, Values, and Catholic Social Teaching

Amy Smith, Rachel Wozniak (both of Hilbert College)

CS27 | Where Faith Meets Justice: A Paradigm Shift in Community Engagement at Stonehill College

Marry Anne Cappelleri, Erica Stewart (both of Stonehill College)

[Additional resources: Key Mission Statement Components, Context]

CS28 | Goshen College’s Study-Service Term: 50 Years Developing Vocations and Seeking Justice

Keith Graber Miller, Jan Bender Shetler, & Ryan Sensenig (Goshen College)

CS29 | International Campus-Community Partnership for Social Transformation: Examples from Honduras and Hungary

Don DeGraaf & Jeff Bouman (Calvin College)

CS32 | Catholic Social Thought, Engaged Scholarship and Collective Impact: Maximizing Change through Multi-Institution Collaborations

Anthony Vinciguerra (St. Thomas University), Emmanuel Buteau (St. Thomas University), Courtney Berrien (Barry University), Teresita Gonzalez (The Archdiocese of Miami Office of Mission), Semilfort St. Hubert (Cafeiere et Cacouyere du Nord’Ouest (COCANO) Coffee Cooperative)

[Additional resources: Article 1 & Article 2]

CS33 | Capabilities-Based Global Service-Learning: A Case Study from Kanembwe, Rwanda

Leah Horton, Jayme Millsap Stone (both of University of Central Arkansas)

[Additional resources: Vignette Intro, Vignette, Handout]

CS34 | Aligning University and Third-Party Service-Learning Programs

Karl Ahlqvist & Claire Sweigart (The Ohio State University)

CS41 | Developing Assessment and Research Strategies to Examine the Context and Impact of Global Student Engagement: Instruments and Insights

Jay Brandenberger (University of Notre Dame)

CS42 | A Human Rights Approach to Community Engagement: Research, Service-Learning, and Advocacy

Theo Majka, Kelly Bohrer, Anthony Talbott, Charles Hunt, & Karen Velasquez (all of the University of Dayton)

CS43 | Navigating and Leveraging Cross-Cultural Values: Partnership Stories and Strategies

Kaitlin Long (Kansas State University), Hannah Schauf (Kansas State University), Simon Gibba (The Gambia), Patti Clayton (PHC Ventures), Kathryn Pisco (Unearth the World), Melissa Torres (Global Vision International)

CS44 | Addressing and Reducing Students’ Cultural Biases in Domestic and International Service Learning

Steven Jones (Georgia College & State University)


CS45 | Developing Reciprocal, Local Partnerships for Integrative Global Service Learning

Eric Feldman (Florida International University), Bill Bolan (King’s College), & Margarita M. Rose (King’s College)

CS48 | Communities of Practice for Ethical Engagement

Nora Pillard Reynolds (Globalsl & Haverford College), Eric Hartman (Haverford College), Kelly Brannan Trail (University of Dayton), Patrick Eccles (Northwestern University), Benjamin Lough (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Cynthia Toms (Westmont College), & Nathan Darity (The Global Switchboard)