
Women’s Emancipation and Development Agency (WOMEDA) Executive Director Juma Massisi (seated, center) facilitates conversation among women and Amizade students in Kayanga, Tanzania, as part of research that supported a successful United States Agency for International Development grant award for WOMEDA.


DukeEngage students Jeline Rabideau and Jenny Denton worked with middle school girls, such as ​Katie, in Western North Carolina to enhance literacy skills through digital storytelling projects focused on their families.


DukeEngage independent project student Alex Saffrit collaborated with a community member, Moses, in Nkokonjeru, Uganda, on a solar cooker project.


Ernesto Alaniz, community maintenance leader, Villanova civil engineering student Allie Braun, and Water for Waslala program manager Iain Hunt cooperate to inspect a new water tank near Santa Maria Kubali, Nicaragua.

About The Collaborative

Building on a decade of collaboration, the network of educational institutions and community organizations formerly known as The Globalsl Network has become The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative. 

The Collaborative is a network of educational institutions and community organizations that advances ethical, critical, and aspirationally de-colonial community-based learning and research for more just, inclusive, and sustainable communities.

The Collaborative does this through several specific mechanisms: 

  • Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions – a new, growing, and adapting collection of online learning activities and critical civic tools designed to deepen college-level learners’ understanding of  and engagement with ethical interdependence. The resources include tools that support ethical engagement across cultures and power differentials as learners, researchers, and organizers. We’re building this right now, eager for additional collaborators, and iterating all summer long as we work with the first cohorts of students using this approach. 
  • The Global Engagement Survey, a multi-institutional study that examines the outcomes of high impact programming, such as engaged learning and study abroad, on local and global civic learning, cultural humility, and critical reflection 
  • Mobilizing and disseminating Fair Trade Learning as a set of principles and practices that promote ethical community-campus partnership 
  • A campus-community organizer and activist website hosted by Campus Compact that collects and mobilizes tools, insights, and peer-reviewed research to support faculty, staff, administrators, and community workers in efforts to leverage pedagogy and partnerships toward more just, inclusive, sustainable communities. 

Current sponsors and partners include: Amizade, Child Family Health International, Dickinson College, Elon University, Georgetown University, Haverford College, Northwestern University, Omprakash, Quinnipiac University, the University of Dayton. Each of these institutions has demonstrated leadership and commitment by investing in this website as a space to accumulate existing research and best practice development at the nexus of global learning, community-university partnership, and sustainable development.