
Women’s Emancipation and Development Agency (WOMEDA) Executive Director Juma Massisi (seated, center) facilitates conversation among women and Amizade students in Kayanga, Tanzania, as part of research that supported a successful United States Agency for International Development grant award for WOMEDA.


DukeEngage students Jeline Rabideau and Jenny Denton worked with middle school girls, such as ​Katie, in Western North Carolina to enhance literacy skills through digital storytelling projects focused on their families.


DukeEngage independent project student Alex Saffrit collaborated with a community member, Moses, in Nkokonjeru, Uganda, on a solar cooker project.


Ernesto Alaniz, community maintenance leader, Villanova civil engineering student Allie Braun, and Water for Waslala program manager Iain Hunt cooperate to inspect a new water tank near Santa Maria Kubali, Nicaragua.

Social Justice Education: Interrogating Power, Privilege, Race, Class, Gender, and more

Several educators and community organizers have dedicated themselves to progressive pedagogy variously labeled as anti-racist, social justice-oriented, or multicultural. A few names and resources that have come across our desks recently include:

Please, post additional suggestions in the comments section or send additional resources to, and we’ll add them here!