Rudy Amaya

University of La Verne

Rudy Amaya is a second-year student at the University of La Verne studying Radio Broadcasting. He is involved in university and religious work that thrive to engage and support community members. At the university, he works for the Office of Civic and Community Engagement as a student ambassador and design/technology support for both the office and its community partners. By presenting on technology and marketing within service he hopes to aid community-oriented programs to effectively and efficiently use the resources that are readily available to them. He is also an executive board member of the University's First Generation Club, a newly created student organization dedicated to supporting first generation college students.Amaya also works for the Church of the Brethren as a denominational young adult committee member and the children's director for his local Hispanic-serving congregation. He aims to empower both children and parents to work together in order to thrive in areas they are passionate. Building up self-worth and opportunities to expand beyond what they have known in academic and spiritual areas. Amaya is dedicated to serve his community and help others see that "service is community" through love, peace, and joy.

Devorah Lieberman
University of La Verne

Personal Statement

When you serve others you discover community. For many years during junior and senior high school I was verbally and physically harassed by my peers. My perspective on the community was distorted not because I was in pain, but because I wasn't in service. All I knew was that if the community was what caused me pain I didn't want to be a part of it. Thankfully, I was able to start serving because that's where I discovered community starts with me. My perspective shifted from what can they do for me, to what can I do for us. I was able to discover and put into service abilities and skills in areas such as technology, music, and public speaking. My hope is to empower children to find community through service and discover themselves along the way.

Rudy Amaya
Radio Broadcasting: Class of 2019
written 2017

2017 Fellows Alphabetical by Institution

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Erica Cherian, UNC Charlotte Morgan Sweere, University of Central Arkansas Andrew Aboujaoude, University of Central Florida Jaylon Thomas, University of Central Oklahoma Akshayaa Chittibabu, University of Connecticut Marie Spence, University of Denver Nicolette Duong, University of Florida Bobbie Alcanzo, University of Great Falls Eisha Khan, University of Houston-Downtown Alexis Smyser, University of Illinois at Chicago Rudy Amaya, University of La Verne Duane Belanger, University of Maine at Fort Kent Karla Casique, University of Maryland Axel Bayingana, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Sophia Lopresti, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Andrew King, University of Massachusetts Boston Callie Nunez, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Luiza Kinzerska-Martinez, University of Miami Nadine Jawad, University of Michigan Zachary Hayes, University of Michigan - Flint Gemechu Mekonnen, University of Minnesota Madison Bick, University of Missouri - St. Louis Isabel Langlois, University of Montana Shayla McGregor, University of Montana Western Sophie Ramsey, University of Mount Union Jimmy Nguyen, University of Nebraska at Omaha Shannon Bodeau, University of North Carolina Asheville Cristian Ramos, University of North Georgia Karina Judith Ortega, University of North Texas at Dallas Melanie Majeed, University of Northern Iowa Sarah Tomas Morgan, University of Notre Dame Anea Moore, University of Pennsylvania Hashaam Jamil, University of Pittsburgh Wila Matos, University of Rhode Island Edgar Chavarria, University of San Diego Emery Smith, University of South Carolina Isaac Miles, University of South Carolina Beaufort (USCB) Corinne Tucker, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Richard Lee, University of Utah Rena Newman, University of Wisconsin - Madison Bianca Ruffolo, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Joanna (Jo) Niswonger, University of Wisconsin Colleges Yessenia Santamaria, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
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