Isabel Langlois
University of Montana
Isabel Langlois is a Political Science major at the University of Montana who takes an interdisciplinary approach to tackling issues of social justice, public health, and the environment and seeks out the most inclusive and empowering approaches to public problem-solving. Isabel has proven herself to be an incredibly effective force for positive change both on campus and in the community. For the past year, she has been deeply involved with several campus and community initiatives addressing sustainable transportation, leveraging her connections with each organization to ensure all would collectively benefit. Isabel's commitment to collaborative problem-solving, bridge-building, and sustainable solutions makes her an effective and innovative leader who motivates and inspires others.
Personal Statement
I hope to work in a federal agency such as the CDC, and apply an interdisciplinary systems based approach to addressing environmental health issues on a local scale. I hope to address environmental health challenges in local communities by facilitating discussion and planning between rural farmers, city-planners, or private companies. The process should be focused on empowering local communities to address systems such as transportation, food, and communication, and where they intersect to ensure resources can be used effectively to address environmental health and in turn human health. Sharing information between communities can then be used to address where local communities might be able to assist one another in creating resilient environmental health plans. My role within this planning process is to facilitate discussion and forward planning in and between communities to create resilient environmental health plans for future environmental health concerns such as toxicology, drought, and natural disasters.