Emery Smith
University of South Carolina
Emery Smith is a third-year student at the University of South Carolina, currently majoring in Advertising with a minor in Retailing. Throughout her time at the University, Emery has demonstrated a great sense of servant leadership, becoming incredibly involved in several organizations and campus initiatives dedicated to identifying and addressing issues on campus and within the community. These areas of involvement and service include the Gamecock Pantry, where as Assistant Director of Communications she helps to address the issue of food insecurity on campus, raising awareness of the pantry and how to make the most of its services, as well as how to assist in its efforts. In addition, she serves as Director of Donor Relations with the Carolina Closet, aimed to assist students in need of professional attire for interviews. She also works with the university's Leadership and Service Center, where her role allows her to assist fellow students to become more involved in addressing some of the issues and needs within the University and the community at large.
Personal Statement
Question: Are you born to lead and serve others or is it all a learning process? Is there a correct answer? No, but you when align a verbal commitment with an action, that is when leadership is born. Ever since I was little, I have been immersed into a world filled with service. From my grandmother to my great aunts to my mother, I have been held to a long-lasting commitment that entails the betterment of others and myself. Lessons have been learned, and realities have become very real, but that is the beauty of being a servant of leadership. Robert Greenleaf, the founder of servant leadership, once said, "The servant-leader is servant first... it begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." As I have grown in leadership, my eyes witnessed many messy situations. That is the beautiful part about life; it is messy and complicated and overwhelming, but with a fruitful heart and sincerity, you can accomplish so much. People accomplish great feats when inspired by a purpose beyond themselves.