Madison Hale

University of Wisconsin-Superior

Madison Hale, a first-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, has captured our attention as an active leader who possesses a drive to create meaningful change in others' lives.

As a young woman, Madison's greatest passion has been in educating others on how to positively engage in our democracy. Before enrolling at UW-Superior, she educated other high school youth on how to take part in government. As a freshman, she has already begun serving as a leader to other students by assuming a role with UW-Superior's Student Government Association and serving as a delegate lobbying in Madison on behalf of citizen selected issues in Northern Wisconsin. And, within her coursework, Madison has played an instrumental role in organizing a Refugee for a Day exhibit, an experiential education simulation for other students and the off-campus community. In her future community engagement, she plans to volunteer with veterans and engage in finding ways to eradicate homelessness.

Madison has jumped right into serving as a civically engaged leader for all students, at UW-Superior and beyond. Engagement in the Newman Civic Fellows program will give Madison the tools to further develop into a motivated, lifelong civic leader and her post-graduation career in social work.

Dr. Renée Wachter
University of Wisconsin-Superior

Personal Statement

My name is Madison Hale, I'm a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. I'm a first generation low-income student pursuing a degree in social work. I chose this major because I love to help people and see the difference I can make in the world no matter how small it appears to others. Since starting at UWS, I've had the pleasure of being involved in many great opportunities and events such as; the Nobel Peace Prize forum, 2 refugee simulations (one I walked through, one I got to lead others through), Student Government as an elected Senator, and working at the Veterans and Nontraditional student center. I started getting involved in government because I wanted to learn more about and be part of, the process of making a positive change in our communities.

I'm currently interested in working with the homeless and/or veterans. I would like to work with these demographics because I feel they tend to be misunderstood and overlooked. My hope is that once I graduate I will be able to join AmeriCorps*VISTA and put my passion into action. I believe that if you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life.

Madison Hale
Social Work: Class of 2022
written 2019

2019 Fellows Alphabetical by Institution

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Sarah Lutes, UNC Asheville Seda Sahin, Univeristy of Connecticut Bernardo Villarreal Rodríguez, Universidad de Monterrey Elizabeth Paige, University of Baltimore Itzel Velazquez, University of Central Arkansas Jordan Borenstein, University of Central Florida Hunter Caudillo, University of Central Oklahoma Delali Nenonene, University of Dayton April Singleton, University of Delaware Amanda Wittebort, University of Denver Mikaela Lopez, University of Houston-Downtown Nicolas Robledo, University of Illinois at Chicago Natalie Benson, University of Indianapolis Jocelyn Roof, University of Iowa Kaitlyn Frick, University of Kentucky Dyamond Gray, University of La Verne Sarah Nichols, University of Maine at Augusta Maheen Haq, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Madison LaCure, University of Massachusetts - Boston Marvens Pierre, University of Massachusetts Amherst Elizabeth Anusauskas, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Twisha Mohapatra, University of Massachusetts Lowell Shravya Jasti, University of Miami Jalen Rose, University of Michigan-Dearborn Robert Harper, University of Minnesota Danielle Friz, University of Missouri - St. Louis Daisy Ward, University of Montana Adrianna Pittman, University of Montana Western Lizbeth Perez Hernandez, University of Nebraska Omaha Kaitlin Griffin, University of New Hampshire Joyce Yao, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Yesika Sorto Andino, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Adriana Zarate, University of North Georgia Hector Robledo, University of North Texas at Dallas Sashay Carroll, University of Northern Iowa Carson Ball, University of Oklahoma Carter Gale, University of Pennsylvania John Farris, University of Redlands Mary-Kate McGeary, University of Rhode Island Lina Tori Jan, University of Richmond Nina Schneider, University of San DIego Nyteia Tyler, University of San Francisco Karen Padilla, University of South Carolina Beaufort Danica Leaphart, University of South Carolina, Columbia Shaneika Bowra, University of the District of Columbia Livia Karoui, University of the South Jordyn Gaurkee, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Emiliana Lopez, University of Wisconsin - Madison Zach Atkins, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Madison Hale, University of Wisconsin-Superior
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