Joseph DiLuca
SUNY Oswego
Joseph DiLuca is a senior, majoring in Accounting/Management, enrolled in our 5-year Bachelor/Master's (MBA) program. Joseph has exhibited a long-standing commitment to enriching the lives of people around him. Early in his college career he supported cancer awareness through our campus Relay for Life program, and has been a member of our student-run ambulance corps for several years. After tragedy struck his family, Joseph's servant leadership emerged and he has lead efforts to engage his fraternity, Sigma Tau Chi, and our campus community in awareness of the dangers of food allergies. Joseph has worked tirelessly to educate his peers, to engage our local community, and to support the foundation founded in honor of his cousin. His commitment to service and community engagement is remarkable.
Personal Statement
Community involvement to enrich the lives of the people around me has always come as second nature. During my senior year of high school, my family and I suffered the loss of my fourteen-year-old cousin Giovanni. This tragedy, combined with my willingness and ability to help my community, propelled me to raise money and spread awareness for food allergies.
My journey began with the hopes of saving at least one child from a preventable death. I set out and began fundraising for "The Love of Giovanni Foundation", an organization created by Giovanni's mother to spread allergy awareness. Knowing the target group is young adults around my age, my goal was to teach my peers about the significance of allergy awareness. Last fall, I coordinated a series of events on campus that included a balloon remembrance 'send-off' event as well as educational awareness on the dangers of allergies, including anaphylactic shock, and distributed sample products from allergy-friendly food companies. Over 10 organizations attended the event including about 175 individuals.
As I move into the next phase of my life (as an accountant), I am committed to keeping my cousin's legacy alive and to serving my community in other important ways.