Jordyn Gaurkee
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Jordyn exemplifies the leadership and problem-focused learning our institution values, as well as intellectual capacity and dedication. Since a traumatic experience altered her institutional issues in higher education around sexual assault and equity policies, Ms. Gaurkee has become an advocate for herself and others. Her ultimate goal is to help re-formulate campus sexual assault policy and procedures and be an advocate for victims of sexual assault. She has started a new sorority on campus focused on this and related issues, and engaged in volunteer work with local domestic violence and food security shelters.
A faculty member wrote that, "[a]s a student in the classroom and a student-leader on campus, Jordyn is preparing herself for a career in law to serve victims of sexual assault, and this award would recognize the amazing work she's completed so far. Amongst the students I've worked with over the years, Jordyn stands out as strong and dedicated, a passionate advocate, and eager to learn everything she can." Her courage in take on complex policies at multiple institutions while also focusing on community-building her on campus stands out, and she hopes to continue to engage as a leader in her community after graduation.
Personal Statement
I grew up in a military family where both of my parents served in the armed forces. I wanted to follow their footsteps so I decided to join ROTC where I received a 3-year full ride scholarship. But two months into my first year of college I was sexually assaulted by another cadet in the program. Since then my life has been on a different path, but for the better. It hasn’t been easy, but I am doing what I can to help those who have been through similar situations. I am working on implementing a judicial advocate program at UW-Green Bay through an independent study called Advocacy and Title IX. Another thing I am doing is within the Office of International Education. I am taking all their Title IX information and making it more accessible to students by looking at every partnered university from abroad, and finding and compiling their resources into a single document. Finally, I started a local sorority where we volunteer at Golden House which is a haven for those who has experienced domestic violence. In the future, I hope to continue my advocacy for those who have been through similar situations by becoming a lawyer.