Heather Atherton
Wilbur Wright College
Heather Atherton, a paralegal student at Wilbur Wright College, is a campus leader committed to civic engagement. Over the course of the fall 2018 semester, she has become a deputy registrar, election coordinator, conducted a service-learning project on strengthening voter engagement, and participated in the U.S. Department of State's Diplomacy Lab project titled "Truth Decay," which focused on different ways European Union countries combat misinformation.
Heather's primary passion issues include immigrant rights, prison reform, and increased voter turnout in local, state, and national elections.
After finishing her paralegal degree at Wright, Heather plans to transfer to a four-year institution to study political science/international relations and then proceed to law school.
Personal Statement
Thirteen years ago, I awoke to the sun in my eyes as I lay in the backseat of my car in a strip mall parking lot. My infant daughter stirred next to me. Hunger would wake her soon and I needed to quickly come up with a plan. I brushed her then red hair from her forehead and promised her that we would make it.
Days later, a family of Korean immigrants offered me a job at their restaurant. This opportunity inspired me to dedicate my life to those that need another chance. It also motivated me to return to college.
Since last fall, I have become a deputy registrar and an election coordinator, taken part in a service-learning project on voter engagement and served as a contributing author for the U.S. Department of State's Diplomacy Lab project on "Truth Decay."
Prison reform and immigrant rights are two important issues to me. I am studying law, so I can help others navigate these complicated, flawed systems. I plan to transfer to a four-year university to study political science and then go on to law school. I believe this path will allow me to accomplish much in my service to others.