Daisy Ward

University of Montana

Daisy Ward, a junior at the University of Montana, is an honor student double majoring in Political Science and Spanish. Ms. Ward has established a record of excellence, both as a student on our campus and as an active member in the community. In either role, she has consistently exhibited the qualities of effective leadership and public service. Her commitment to promoting social change through the advancement of public policy is unparalleled. With the unique ability to look at complex issues from a holistic perspective, Ms. Ward truly carries herself in an egalitarian and diplomatic fashion. Moreover, through her advocacy efforts, Ms. Ward has given many under-represented groups in Montana an amplified voice in the policy process. In the future, Ms. Ward would like to focus her academic pursuits on the intersection between educational policy and federal law, an area she finds particularly fascinating. Through her dedication and solid work ethic, it is clear that Ms. Ward is positioning herself to be a future leader in our society and an agent of lasting social change.

Mr. Seth Bodnar
University of Montana

Personal Statement

I want to know why things happen the way they do, and as a biologist turned political science major, I am good at figuring it out. I have completed significant research about education and women's issues, including co-authoring a study about women's experiences with workplace policies. While I would like to make policy in the future, I have searched for varied experiences as a student at the University of Montana.I was an active member of student government, where I helped to shape university policy, and then served as a resident assistant, where I enacted it. I served as an intern in Senator Tester's office over the past year, where I saw how government processes I study in class affect constituents on a daily basis. In an internship last summer with a non-profit that helps women start their own businesses, I was able to design programming, write grants, and then see other programs carried out. My ability to look at a problem from many sides, from research to policy to everyday implementation, makes me a better student and a better policymaker. My fascination with the way things work means I can find out how to make them work better.

Daisy Ward
Political Science and Spanish: Class of 2020
written 2019

2019 Fellows Alphabetical by Institution

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Sarah Lutes, UNC Asheville Seda Sahin, Univeristy of Connecticut Bernardo Villarreal Rodríguez, Universidad de Monterrey Elizabeth Paige, University of Baltimore Itzel Velazquez, University of Central Arkansas Jordan Borenstein, University of Central Florida Hunter Caudillo, University of Central Oklahoma Delali Nenonene, University of Dayton April Singleton, University of Delaware Amanda Wittebort, University of Denver Mikaela Lopez, University of Houston-Downtown Nicolas Robledo, University of Illinois at Chicago Natalie Benson, University of Indianapolis Jocelyn Roof, University of Iowa Kaitlyn Frick, University of Kentucky Dyamond Gray, University of La Verne Sarah Nichols, University of Maine at Augusta Maheen Haq, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Madison LaCure, University of Massachusetts - Boston Marvens Pierre, University of Massachusetts Amherst Elizabeth Anusauskas, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Twisha Mohapatra, University of Massachusetts Lowell Shravya Jasti, University of Miami Jalen Rose, University of Michigan-Dearborn Robert Harper, University of Minnesota Danielle Friz, University of Missouri - St. Louis Daisy Ward, University of Montana Adrianna Pittman, University of Montana Western Lizbeth Perez Hernandez, University of Nebraska Omaha Kaitlin Griffin, University of New Hampshire Joyce Yao, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Yesika Sorto Andino, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Adriana Zarate, University of North Georgia Hector Robledo, University of North Texas at Dallas Sashay Carroll, University of Northern Iowa Carson Ball, University of Oklahoma Carter Gale, University of Pennsylvania John Farris, University of Redlands Mary-Kate McGeary, University of Rhode Island Lina Tori Jan, University of Richmond Nina Schneider, University of San DIego Nyteia Tyler, University of San Francisco Karen Padilla, University of South Carolina Beaufort Danica Leaphart, University of South Carolina, Columbia Shaneika Bowra, University of the District of Columbia Livia Karoui, University of the South Jordyn Gaurkee, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Emiliana Lopez, University of Wisconsin - Madison Zach Atkins, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Madison Hale, University of Wisconsin-Superior
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