Charlene Allmer
Montana State University Billings
Charlene Allmer has served in various roles on our campus. Charlene has a passion and dedication to MSUB. She loves planning and organizing programs and events for the benefit of her fellow students, something she would like to continue doing even after her time as a student. Charlene has expressed a strong desire to spend her life fighting to end human trafficking, and this is one of the main reasons she has pursued a degree in criminal justice. She has educated herself quite extensively on the issue, and she worked collaboratively with the Residence Hall Association and Diversity Center to plan an event educating the community about human trafficking. This passion to fight for those who have no voice makes her an excellent candidate. Charlene is full of positivity and has a commitment to excellence in all that she does. She has a strong work ethic, which is indicative of a passion for serving others that she will carry throughout her life. Charlene, who has worked tirelessly in the service of others, is incredibly deserving of this award. Charlene will graduate in the fall but is looking to extend her time at MSUB and attend graduate school in the spring.
Personal Statement
From a young age I knew what it was like to be on the low end of the totem-poll. I grew up in ragged apartments with my parents and siblings in a very poor neighborhood in the ghetto of Houston. As I got older and moved around there was more opportunities for me to be active in my beliefs, wants and dreams, with the push of my parents. Soon I was going to a high school on a reservation in Montana and became parts of various organizations to help me advance in creating change. One organization was the Montana State Student Advisory Board under Denise Juneau. I’ve always wanted to understand the truth and complexity behind serving for the better justices. I changed colleges and became a Criminal Justice major with a psych minor, and have taken on different roles under marketing, health, and mentorship to help influence those people around me to always fight for what you believe in.