Callie Jordan
University of Mary WashingtonCallie Jordan has worked with UMW Votes as a Voting Ambassador in the Center for Community Engagement for three semesters. As a Voting Ambassador, she helped educate the UMW community about the Census in spring 2020. In fall 2020, she helped plan and implement several civic engagement events on the UMW campus, including National Voter Registration Day and Vote Early Day. Callie was selected to serve as a Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) Fellow in fall 2020, and also served as a Fellow with +1 to the Polls, a program to help colleges establish voting centers on campus to make it easier for college students to vote. In spring 2020, Callie will serve as a Campus Vote Project Fellow. We appreciate Callie’s leadership in promoting student voter engagement on campus.
Personal Statement
As soon as I turned 18, I registered to vote for the next election in my county. I remember my dad and I going in together and how excited the poll workers were to hand me my ballot. I felt as if I was valued in my community and had a share of some political power and influence. I believe being an actively engaged citizen is crucial. Too many people choose to simply opt out of political processes and forfeit their voices, while the truth is everyone is a political person. If you care about the communities to which you belong, you must advocate for them.