Tyler Walker
North Carolina Central University
Tyler Walker is a sophomore at North Carolina Central University, whose interests are in the area of social justice and economic inequality. He examines the effect that social issues have on individuals and seeks to develop solutions to addresses them at a macro level. Tyler has worked with a local company to provide media exposure for non-profit organizations to raise awareness on social issues that they advocate for, such as NC House Bill 2 (HB2) and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Tyler founded a student organization during his first year at college, the Student Entrepreneur Association (SEA), designed to help college students to develop and ignite their entrepreneurial skills and use it as a way of combating income inequality for college students. He is currently working on a newly created initiative, Education to Occupation Pipeline (E.T.O.P.), developed to engage youth with educational support from community, businesses and higher education institutions that could lead them to economic opportunities with living wages.
Personal Statement
I learned about the fragile nature of economic security when the electric power was turned off in our home when I was a young child. Not understanding at the time, I was later able to determine that one must earn a living wage to take care of the basic needs of the home. I first started actively combating social justice and economic inequality when I started working with the Bigg Chat, a Greensboro, NC based company, by providing a spotlight to these issues and a microphone to the people in their effort to fight them. Coming to college, I joined the Political Science Club and got involved with the political scene on campus by attending and speaking at social justice rallies. It helps build conscientiousness that can lead to action and ultimately to change. What I have learned through all of these experiences is that poverty is caused to a lack of access to jobs and that these jobs are restricted on the basis of education. I believe that education is the gateway to economic options and that is why I created E.T.O.P. (Education to Occupation Pipeline) to help combat income inequality for high school students.