Sarah Smith
Westminster College
Sarah is a third-year student accounting major, minoring in Human Resources. As a dormitory Resident Assistants, she has done an excellent job working with first-students on campus. She serves as a member of our volunteer Chapel Staff. She is involved in the UKirk College ministry program at a local church that meets on a weekly basis.
Sarah has been part of our campus Habitat for Humanity program since arriving in New Wilmington. Starting out as a first-year representative on the leadership team, she has served as Treasurer, and this year is President of the organization. She has been a leader getting students involved in building homes in Mahoning Country, Ohio, during the academic year as well as participating in three "Spring Break with A Purpose" trips. This year as the President of the organization, she has helping lead over 30 students to South Carolina for a week of experiential learning through being a service volunteer and engaging in evening reflections that will focus on faith and racism.
She has been a three-year member of ENACTUS, an accounting and business club, and has become a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance worker helping prepare taxes for low-income families in New Castle, PA.
Personal Statement
When I came to Westminster College as a freshman, I knew that I wanted to be involved in Habitat for Humanity. I wanted to help the community by building houses for families in need. Our chapter volunteers with Habitat for Humanity in Mahoning County Ohio. We help built on Saturdays throughout the school year. I love how the organization has continued to provide families with adequate and affordable housing. I did not want to be just another member, I wanted to advocate for Habitat. My freshmen year I was the Freshmen Representative, then I moved on to Treasurer. I am now the president of our Habitat Chapter and I could not be more proud of the help that we are providing.