Ryan Duggan
North Shore Community College
Ryan Duggan brought enthusiasm and commitment to learning to North Shore Community College (NSCC) and immediately engaged fully in college life. He is a TRIO student, was selected to serve as a Presidential Scholar, joined the Honors program, was a member of Phi Theta Kappa, became involved in the Student Government Association (SGA) and was SGA Vice President of Culture and Inclusion. He is a member of the Environmental Club, Events Council, Health and Wellness Club, and serves as a Civic Ambassador.
One of Ryan's most impressive achievements this academic year was his organization of a Thanksgiving food drive for his fellow students at NSCC. Through volunteering at the monthly campus Mobile Food Markets, he gained insight into campus hunger and its impact on students. Ryan hated the thought that students wouldn't be able to receive a rich education or enjoy their experiences on an empty stomach. To help address the issue, he coordinated a Thanksgiving Food Drive. He organized and collected over 800 pounds worth of food and almost $400 worth of gift cards. He was able to create 15 Thanksgiving baskets and made sure they got into the hands of the students who needed them the most.
Personal Statement
I came to North Shore Community College knowing it would be an excellent way to transition into the life of a college student, give myself time to solidify my plans for the future, and minimize future debt with the rising costs of education. Attending classes at North Shore, I could immerse myself in an excellent educational experience. While pursuing knowledge in higher education, I participated in several other campus opportunities such as the Presidential Scholars Program, Honors Program, Student Government Association, Events Council, Environmental Club, Health and Wellness Club, Phi Theta Kappa, and TRiO, where I was able to forge valuable friendships. Likewise, being a Civic Ambassador, volunteering at monthly Mobile Food Markets, and coordinating a Thanksgiving Food Drive, I felt much more connected and ingrained in the campus community making my college experience all the more fruitful. I've met wonderful people while gaining valuable insight. I want others to feel welcome and empowered just as I have come to feel through my involvement, and to be happy and healthy while pursuing an education. After graduating, I plan to transfer and earn a Bachelor's Degree in Natural Resources Management.