Pratikshya Gaihre
Wilson College
Pratikshya Gaihre brings a global perspective to her civic engagement, since she is an international student from Nepal attending Wilson College. She has demonstrated initiative, leadership and collaboration in her interest to help others. She was active in her high school as president of the Social Service Club, has completed independent service projects, and seeks to help others in both her volunteer work and career ambitions. She is actively involved in many areas on campus, educating about her culture, serving on the Wilson College Government Association, and she volunteers with the Learning Campus tutoring program to help children from families of migrant workers.
She volunteers for a retirement community as part of her commitment as a Curran Scholar. She provides 260 hours of volunteer work annually. Her volunteer interests have always been to serve disadvantaged people, including elderly, low income, or less developed communities.
Pratikshya has the motivation to help others, and would like to apply her education in Accounting and Financial Mathematics by returning to Nepal where there is greater need. Pratikshya has demonstrated the leadership and collaboration that she will need to help solve societal problems in the future.
Personal Statement
At the age of thirteen I became an RA of 80 girls aged nine to thirteen; helped them with their problems, supported them and pushed them to move forward and give their best in their lives. At 16, I became the President of Social Service Club and organized programs and shows at Khagendra Nawajeevan Kendra, Nepal, an organization that looks after physically disabled people. With the support of my family and also the club I was able to donate solar Panels to generate electricity in a remote village deprived of electricity, it helped children to do their homework at night as they would be busy with their households during the daytime.
After coming to Wilson, I joined Muhibbah (International Club), became an RA and got into Wilson College Government Association (WCGA) as a parliamentarian Officer. These responsibilities have provided me an opportunity not only to help students from different sectors but also to learn many things that I could not have otherwise. Similarly, as a Curran scholar I volunteer at Elders Day in Menno Haven and Learning Campus at Wilson and work with kids and elder people which provides me happiness. Therefore, I will continue to work for people because that's what I enjoy.