Peter Bushaw
Schoolcraft College
Peter Bushaw is a current sophomore at Schoolcraft College. He is a Schoolcraft Honors Scholar, Student Ambassador, and recipient of the Trustee Scholarship. In fall of 2019, Peter plans to transfer to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to major in engineering. He is academically passionate, maintains a 3.985 GPA while volunteering, and working a part-time job.
Peter has an astounding commitment to working with the special needs population. Peter volunteers at the Living and Learning Center teaching social/independence skills. Peter was moved by his client's creativity and diversity. In winter 2018, he began brainstorming a way to celebrate their talents. Peter planned and organized an outreach fundraising event, The A-typical Variety Show. The A-typical variety show represented performers and volunteers from the special needs population. The A-typical variety show raised over $5,000 for autism awareness.
Outside of his high pressure school schedule, Honors program deadlines, and a part-time job, Peter has already begun planning the second A-Typical Variety Show. The event will take place Winter of 2019. Peter believes in fostering positive, lifelong relationships with the clients in which he volunteers, and believes giving back to our community is a lifelong practice.
Personal Statement
When I began volunteering at The Living and Learning Center (a nonprofit working with teens and adults with autism and related challenges,) I wanted to know everything about my clients, and how I could support them. What I didn't expect was how much impact they would have within my life at a personal level. I have volunteered for years, yet these phenomenal teens and adults changed my life in ways I cannot begin to explain. If I am not at college or work, you will find me at the Center. It was through their inspiration and talent that I created The A-Typical Variety Show as an Honors project. The talent from the night came from the clients I volunteer. For clients unable to do stage performances, they created arts and held a silent auction. We raised over $5,000 for autism awareness, and I am already planning for this winter's show. From beginning planning to final stages, The A-Typical Variety show (as well as working at the Center) allows me to be involved in my community, and celebrate the talents of the community in which I volunteer. These clients are so phenomenal. I am humbled to be part of their lives.