Luis Nuñez
Saint Joseph's University
Luis Nuñez is a sophomore at Saint Joseph's University (SJU) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With majors in Sociology and Theology, Luis is passionate about understanding injustices which impact his local community and beyond. With a conviction to engage the difficulties and complexities of injustices, Luis develops programs and events that address community challenges and inform change. Whether organizing a march on racism or through his involvement with POWER U, an interfaith, grassroots community organizing effort for social justice, Luis is a committed advocate for more socially just communities. Additionally, since 2013 Luis has been involved with Camden Adolescents Striving for Achievement (CASA). As a mentor and SJU Weekly Service Community Partner Coordinator, Luis supports youth by engaging socially, encouraging academic success and modeling leadership while managing peer volunteer experiences. As an effective community volunteer, Luis exemplifies a passionate civic minded leader.
Personal Statement
Our world is plagued with injustice, the result of the intersectionality of racism, sexism, cupidity, and so much more. I aspire to be an activist for change. My passion for civic engagement and working for social justice, in my community and beyond, is rooted in my belief of innate human dignity. This belief became a driving factor in my life when I encountered the people living in a neighborhood called Arbolito, in Ecuador, and their daily struggles. These hardships include but are not limited to, food insecurity and poverty. My collegiate journey, specifically as a resident assistant, community partner coordinator, and community organizer, has improved my understanding of the positive impact of empowering communities to implement change. Rather than pushing injustices away simply because they are difficult, I want to improve my skill sets to effectively address our society's issues. Communities hold tremendous power in keeping decision-makers accountable to create positive change. I want to be able to demonstrate desire for change and unwillingness to be complacent. My journey drives me to pursue a career within community organizing and social justice.