Kia Singleton
Seminole State College of Florida
Kia Singleton is a sophomore at Seminole State College majoring in Forensic Science. Kia has dedicated continuous years in addition to over 300 hours volunteering at Sanford's local hospital, Central Florida Regional Hospital. While at the hospital she helps patients feel more comfortable in the new environment, lends a helping hand to the employees, and ensures that visitors are acclimated with their surroundings. Since the start of her college career in fall 2018, Kia has been working with Seminole State Volunteers. She has volunteered with different organizations that focused on social issues such as human rights, specifically human trafficking victims and foreign exchange students. However, Kia now holds the position of the Health Director of Seminole State Volunteers, a field she is most passionate about. With this leadership position Kia has worked with Give Kids the World, a non-profit organization, that provides children with detrimental illnesses and their families free vacations to instill joy in their lives while going through a traumatic experience. She has created several service events that give students the chance to gain volunteer hours while exploring some of the persistent issues in the world. Kia's consistent commitment to civic engagement exceeds the average, devoting her spare time to bettering the community and tackling different issues within the health arena.
Personal Statement
Rewinding back to my early childhood, I can vaguely remember moments in time in which many of my family members experienced traumatic life changing illnesses. At the time, I never knew why I wanted to be deeply involved in staying at the hospital and aiding in their recoveries until I became of age. When I was fifteen, I realized that my involvement in caring for them was not because I felt the need to do so, but because I had a passion for helping others. Upon knowing that my contribution to the world would be to help others who could not help themselves, I began dedicating my time to volunteering at Central Florida Regional Hospital. Being able to visit patients and be their shining light in a dark room reassured my decision to be an agent of helping others. My time at this facility helped me to find my career field, Pathology. I aspire to be able to provide justice to those who can no longer fight their own battles.