Kaitlyn Kennedy
Farmingdale State College
Civic leadership in social justice issues encompasses a number of different areas including moral values, respect and equity. Kaitlyn is acutely aware of inequitable conditions faced by certain populations in the United States, particularly in the case of food insecurity. While this issue is a collective social dilemma, in class discussions and course activities, she led conversations with her peers to seek creative solutions. One solution involved a call to action/awareness campaign to stop wasting food. This led to her involvement with the social justice internship and continues to motivate her advocacy in her design work and in her personal life.
Personal Statement
When I was sixteen years old, I quickly realized the passion I had for helping people. I recognized that even the smallest gestures had a positive impact on the recipient, and that brought me great joy. Now, being twenty-one years old, I've recognized that there are even greater gestures I can do, that can truly change another's life. While I began actively contributing to my community in high school, I have consistently increased my societal contributions each year. Presently, through my college, I am working at Island Harvest, an organization providing food and services to those in need. As a Visual Communications student, I'm using my talents to recreate their video commercial. My goal is to expand awareness of the free services they offer. My wish is for people to see the video and know there is hope. Long after my internship is over, I intend to continue volunteering for the organization, and to continue helping my community and those in need. I believe every person has a purpose. I know I have many purposes; one of them is to help change lives. Whenever I help a person in need, not only is their life changed, but so is mine.