Julia Adams
Stonehill College
Julia Adams, Stonehill College Class of 2020, excels in her commitment to community engagement and social justice advocacy. An Elementary Education and Sociology major, Julia has spent her three years of college volunteering regularly with more than three organizations, participating in service immersion programs, and planning educational events both on and off campus. Her commitment to disability rights and leading her peers in community engagement is an inspiration to all and is the embodiment of our mission to "create a more just and compassionate world."
Personal Statement
I believe I would make a good candidate for the Newman Civic Fellows, due to my extensive community engagement experience. During my first year at Stonehill, I volunteered with Horizons for Homeless Children, where I collaborated with other lead volunteers to create a fun and positive social space for children aged 0-5. During my sophomore year, I volunteered with School on Wheels to enhance education opportunities for homeless children from kindergarten through twelfth grade and mentor a student in eighth grade once a week while providing a safe and inclusive environment. I learned a lot about the importance of local service while volunteering with these two organizations, and these experiences shaped and further developed my passion for working with children. The most influential volunteer experience I have had the privilege of being a part of, though, is the Best Buddies organization at the House of Possibilities. I become a part of Best Buddies in high school and knew I wanted to continue my involvement in college. For the past two and a half school years, I have dedicated my Friday afternoons to the HOPe House, where I work 1 on 1 with an individual with an intellectual disability. My "buddy" and I spend each Friday afternoon dancing, singing, chatting, and coloring-quite honestly, nothing compares to the love and passion I feel while at the HOPe House. I have extended my passion for Best Buddies and have had the honor of serving as the volunteer coordinator at the House of Possibilities for the past two school years. I serve as a liaison between Stonehill's Community Engagement Program and community partner, while also recruiting and involving students, faculty, and staff in service with the community.