Jason Popkin
Normandale Community College
Mr. Jason Popkin finds time to run a non-profit soccer organization and is the acting President to the Noramndale Community College's Exercise Science Club. Jason is studying Exercise Science with an emphasis in Spanish. Jason believes that he has an obligation to contribute to society. Through his work in the soccer organization, Jason works to bring diversity and to help direct those in need of financial assistance to the services that are available to them. Jason has made positive changes in the lives of people he has touched who would otherwise be unable to participate in the soccer organization. Jason believes in the importance of making connections and building relationships with people to help them reach their full potential.
Personal Statement
I run a non profit soccer organization that offers many soccer programs to help bring cultures together and provide those who would otherwise be unable an opportunity to play the sport. We offer financial aid for our programs to all who need. I am involved in the soccer club and have gotten some of the other student involved in coaching soccer. I have also just become the exercise science club president and hope to help it become as diverse as the soccer club. Other than it being our moral obligation to contribute to society, I have been incredibly blessed in life and am very fortunate. I don't think it is fair for those who work hard to not have opportunities because of their race or income.