Jarett Lopez
Northern Kentucky UniversityJarett Lopez is a third year student at Northern Kentucky University who is an advocate for the rights of LGBTQ students at NKU. For the past three years, he has created public programing that celebrates inclusive excellence across campus and hosted forums for the broader NKU community where he encourages collaborative problem solving. He is currently working on revising a series of advocacy workshops that involve on- and off-campus speakers who will teach students to communicate policy proposals effectively with government officials and their staff.
Personal Statement
From adolescence, I have been hyper-aware of the schism of rights between cisgender, heterosexual people, and those of varying gender identities and sexual orientations. During high school, I took an active leadership role in my gender and sexuality alliance, challenging the administration to move forward on LGBTQ issues. I was determined to continue my work on behalf of the community here at my university. I discovered the Office of LGBTQ Programs and Services and their Ambassadors. Since being appointed as an ambassador of this organization, I have worked on multiple projects to oppose those who walk onto Northern Kentucky University's campus to spread hate. Three years later, I hold numerous leadership positions where I try to champion inclusive excellence in all things, highlighting the successes of minority status students. I firmly believe that through collaborative leadership we can make our community, commonwealth, and country a better place.