Jacob Plasencia
NHTI - Concord's Community College
Jacob Plasencia, a first year student at NHTI helps creates community engagement on campus as a member of Student Senate and through his help and participation in events. Jacob has made it a priority to not only be involved on campus, but also to get others involved as well. Before he moved to New Hampshire, Jacob lived in Seattle for 19 years. It was there that he discovered his passion for architecture, recycling, and the importance of environmental action. One of his favorite activities to be involved in was through the KidWind project. Through this project, Jacob taught and guided elementary school students to understand how a wind turbine functions effectively to produce the most amount of energy. From there, they competed in groups by building their turbine and putting them to the test. Because of this passion, Jacob hopes to continue teaching and helping people learn more about climate, recycling, and other issues regarding environmental action in New Hampshire. He plans to Through his short time at NHTI he has already made a huge impact at the school and around the community.
Personal Statement
I first became passionate about renewable energy and environmental change when I had the opportunity to take a sustainable energy and design course in high school. Through this course we learned about the importance of renewable energy functions and how large of an environmental impact it has on the atmosphere. Currently I am continuing to pursue more knowledge about this topic by studying Architectural Engineering. After completing this field of study I hope to design both commercial and residential structures that serve as a representation of a self sustainable building that reaches net zero.