Ian Needham
Wayfinding Academy
Ian Needham, a first year student at Wayfinding Academy, has chosen to dedicate himself to addressing issues related to social class. He has several ongoing projects in this realm, including the formation of the Debt Free Student Society and a food cart business dedicated to breaking down class barriers in food culture. He is also currently completing an internship with a local production company and learning hands-on skills such as electrical work, lighting, and production design and the issues and opportunities inherent in these careers.
Personal Statement
I first found my interest in socio-economic struggles by living with a friend of mine in a low class home. This adventure taught me a lot about how much money can effect families. I also found a big drive to change the way the current system is handling higher education. A lot of potential students are pushed away by the huge price tag of education. This just creates a cycle to keep impoverished people impoverished. This was a large driving factor in joining the community of Wayfinding Academy, which is attempting to turn that cycle on its head. I am currently involved with a group called debt-free student society working at helping to change the way students approach school costs, and hopefully change the way students get to use their degrees after graduation.