Guadalupe Gonzalez
Saint Mary's College
Guadalupe Gonzalez is a junior double major in Political Science and Communications with minors in Business Administration and Public Relations. She is a vibrant and active member of the community who is not afraid to stand for justice. She has a heart to learn about those in the community (campus and surrounding local area) that are oppressed. When she hears of a need, she strives to do her part in meeting that need. She is particularly attentive to policy and legislative advocacy for the Latino members of this community as well as in the Chicago area, having served as a policy intern for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Additionally, she personally serves as a tutor for children at La Casa de Amistad, a youth outreach program in South Bend that serves the many needs of area Hispanic teenagers. She has also served on a coalition for immigrant advocacy on Notre Dame's campus. This semester, she continues to expand her knowledge by studying in the Saint Mary's Washington DC program which involves meetings with public officials, political figures, lobbyists and others active in American national government. Guadalupe is determined to be a woman of action and to change the lives of others through her work.
Personal Statement
My work has always been centered around the belief that we have a civic duty to protect every member of our community and to therefore advocate for equity and justice. Of course, it all begins by being willing to listen and learn from other's lived experiences. We must think beyond ourselves and our circumstances to break down systems of oppression. I have been fortunate to have been part of several collaborative actions in our tri-campus community [Saint Mary's, Holy Cross, Notre Dame]. I am a team leader in a campaign that advocates for a clean Dream Act. I have helped in canvassing and voter registration efforts at Saint Mary's and in South Bend. Through my services in a nonprofit Latino organization, I have been able to learn more about the struggles many families face in South Bend's West Side. Inspired to learn more about another aspect of advocacy - policy and legislation - I have been interning seasonally in the Midwest regional office of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in Chicago. As a policy and legal intern, I have been able to aid in the fight to protect the civil rights of people throughout the Midwest.