Dilrasbonu Vohidova
Bunker Hill Community College
Dilrasbonu Vohidova (Dilras) is an outstanding model civic leader who has engaged her fellow students at Bunker Hill Community College in multiple ways: as a Service Leader who has led over 15 one-time volunteer events through the Office of Community Engagement; as a Club President to BHCC's Student Volunteer Club (SHOCWAVES), a Student Government Association officer, and as Peer Mentor with the Learning Communities Program. In all these commitments, Dilras inspires her peers to live out the values of social justice as they work together to make our communities stronger, and motivates other students to persist and succeed by sharing her personal stories. Dilras's leadership involvements have all truly focused on being an agent of change to promote access, equity, and success for all students, including and most especially international and underprivileged college students. Dilras' conviction to creating a mentoring program for the youth of Tajikistan embodies the kind of civic engagement we seek for all BHCC students.
Personal Statement
As a Service Leader, I have an opportunity to lead various volunteer events with my college peers. We volunteer with soup kitchens, donation centers, and help in making charity events successful. The organization whose mission I most resonate with is Prison Book Program. Prison Book Program provides educational resources to prisoners - a population forgotten by society. I learned the importance of education as a child from my mother. My mother nurtured a love for reading and Persian poetry in me. She was a model for me and my sister. Unfortunately, in my country of Tajikistan, not everyone has the privilege of being educated. Young men and women drop out of school to work in career-less jobs to be able to support their families. The solution to this problem, I believe is education. After I complete my degree, I plan to return to Tajikistan and create a mentoring program for Tajikistan's youth that prepares them for college. My hope is they learn to be open minded, eager to gain new knowledge and show bravery in the face of challenge. My mom is my mentor and my champion and I want Tajik children to feel supported and encouraged in the same way.