Danielle Burnham
Carroll Community College
Danielle's major, Early Childhood Education, is emblematic of who she is as an individual and a citizen. It demonstrates her love for learning, her passion for education, and her mission to help the children of today become the leaders of tomorrow. Danielle has helped organize many campus and community-wide events including the "Annual Penguin Random House Book Fair", the "Little Free Libraries March" and our statewide "Childcare Training Day" that teaches Maryland educators innovative ideas that share best practice to promote excellence in childcare. Her love for children and education does not end at the Carroll County boarder, either. She recently collaborated with the local non-profit organization, A is for Africa, on a project that sends shoes to Africa for students in need. Thanks to Danielle's leadership and organizational skills, over 300 bags of shoes were donated and sent to children in Tanzania. Her passion for learning, leadership and making a difference in the lives of others has significantly impacted Carroll Community College and our local community as well as the global community.
Personal Statement
I have been raised by a giving and serving family. My whole life I have been taught to help, serve, love, and care for others. To me serving is not about the recognition or self benefits it's about making those you're helping feel better. Just like in Romans 12:7 "if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach." As I continue and complete different service projects I can see a lasting impression that has impacted someone else's life. As a teacher and a student in the education field I have taught others and learned that by serving those around you can make a difference in the world. Service to others is service to myself: encouraging, impacting, motivating, and life changing.