Sarah Gustafson
Davis & Elkins College
Sarah Gustafson, a third-year student at Davis & Elkins College, is a student leader focused on building a more just and peaceful society through matters of education, faith and spirituality. Dedicated to creating a more vibrant and better world for all through education of children and youth, she has served as a leader helping other students, faculty, staff and community members consider how their faith and an educated mind can create a more nonviolent and equitable society. Particularly interested in issues of food insecurity, Sarah has worked diligently in community efforts to provide short-term solutions to families in need. Also concerned with long-term solutions to the pressing social needs of society, Sarah is committed to educating children and youth not only in academic content, but additionally in matters related to spirituality and virtue. Sarah is a natural leader with incredible self-discipline, intellectual capacity, and a charisma that allows her to effectively lead with charming grace. The energy that she has garnered for her efforts towards spiritual life and social justice have been inspiring, and she possesses much potential for positive change in our world.
Personal Statement
Civic involvement has been instilled in me my whole life. My parents always encouraged me to be active in volunteering for different events through church and school. Having these many opportunities, I learned the importance of actively offering myself to help those in need. As I grew older, I started being active in many organizations including Key Club, Raze, and Youth Group where we worked on providing for people and volunteering to give different groups of people the best opportunities. On campus, I participate in many clubs and church affiliations where providing for and enriching the community is a huge priority. We focus on providing for people who do not have enough food or clothing by organizing groups do donate as well as put on a community kitchen and free food truck. This gives us the opportunity to give to those in need and provide those basic needs that everyone should have. I have also been actively leading school projects where groups come together to clean up around the schools and read to students to provide literary enrichment. Working to provide education to students is something I hold dear and believe will bring our society to a better future.