Pam Gonzalez
Meredith College
Pam Gonzalez, a third year student at Meredith College, cares deeply about the Hispanic community in North Carolina. She works with a local organization that provides mentoring for Latinas who would be first generation college students and major in the STEM area. She is also working with student leaders from other college campuses to advocate for DACA students so that they can receive in-state tuition at state colleges and universities.
Personal Statement
I was born in Mexico and raised in Durham, NC. My wake-up call as an activist in my community was when President Trump rescinded President Obama's executive order protecting DACA recipients. I wanted to organize others in my communicate to advocate for protections and for a permanent place in the United States. One specific issue that I knew that was important was fighting to get in-state tuition for DACA recipients at North Carolina public colleges and universities. Paying out-of-state tuition was a barrier for most students. President Trump's executive order also caused me to become a mentor for middle school girls from disadvantaged homes who did not see college in their future. I want them to go to college like me.