McKenna Savage
Montana Technological University
McKenna Savage, an electrical engineering student at Montana Tech, is a student leader active in empowering women to fulfill leadership roles. She has been an active voice for the students on campus by being a senator in student government the past two years. Voting on key issues for campus including a new student conduct code, processing club's fund requests, and serving on committees. To achieve the goal of empowering women, she is an active member in Society of Women Engineers (SWE), an important club since the campus student population is 70% male, which supports women in STEM majors and provides outreach to young girls in the community's grade schools. Even with a busy schedule between volunteering, extra-curricular activities, and campus involvement, she has not been drawn away from academics. She has been on the Dean's list (GPA>3.5) and the Chancellor's list (GPA=4.0) which led her to attending the Montana NEW Leadership Academy. Here, she learned more about her leadership skills as well as empowering other women in different career paths. McKenna is a highly motivated and inspired individual that is eager to encourage and empower other females to reach their potential in partaking in leadership roles.
Personal Statement
When I came to college I knew I wanted to be an engineer but I was not sure which kind. After debating between mechanical and electrical I decided that electrical is where my interests best aligned. My campus is 70% male and the Electrical engineering department is 96% male and has 100% male faculty. This all male environment was intimidating for me at first. Although, I have done well and the male faculty are supportive not having a female role model within the department that I could relate to, who I could seek advice about challenges within the field and how they overcame them has been hard. This experience inspired me to figure out ways that I could share my experiences and stories with other young women who might be considering a career in STEM. I use my visibility as a senator and tour guide to encourage prospective female students to take on leadership roles within campus. My involvement with student government, participation in a woman leadership academy, and Society of Women Engineers allows me to strengthen my strategic, leadership, communication and technical skills and show other females that they can do it too.