Matthew Staples
Connors State College
Matt Staples, a second year student at Connors State College, is a driven young man who has a solid history of developing his leadership abilities. He held numerous and significant leadership roles in FFA at the local, district and state levels while in high school in Florida. Here at Connors, Matt has held several positions of responsibility in student organizations. At the same time, he has been an important and effective member of the student leadership on campus with his roles in the Student Government Association. In addition to his activities, Matt has found the time to excel in the classroom, hold down a part-time job and he has been very active in the church he attends. In addition to everything he had going on last fall, he was actively involved with the Ag Ambassadors in leading a food drive. I was able to observe firsthand how seriously he took this role and the professionalism he exhibited. He is a very special young man and I will be sad to see him leave us this May.
Personal Statement
After coming to Connors, I knew that I needed to figure out a way to continue my passion for service and instilling service in others here in Warner. This took a little time, but once I found Warner First Baptist Church, more specifically, the Surrender Student Ministries, joined the President's Leadership Class and was selected to serve as an Agriculture Ambassador, all the cards fell into place. Being a leader in various capacities on campus enabled me to push my fellow students to serve by organizing a food drive for the less fortunate in our community. This started a ripple effect on campus and we were able to collect around 1,700 food items. I then knew that not only was this good for our campus, but I needed to leave a legacy for the younger generation. My position as a College Student Adult Leader at the student ministries gave me the perfect opportunity to instill the same drive that I have for service to high school and middle school students. We are currently collecting household items that are necessary for daily living to go into backpacks for the homeless in Warner.