Mariah Fogle
Montana State University Billings
Mariah Fogle, a first-generation student at City College at Montana State University Billings, is a student leader actively encouraging people to expand their horizons. She has pushed herself to get out of her own comfort zone by joining the Student Activities Board. For the past year, she has invested herself in reconnected her community post-pandemic by talking with others, surveying what community needs are for feedback, and being an active support presence. She has been involved in civic engagement opportunities through MSU Billings by volunteering at Service Saturdays with community partners. She has been the example for other students and invited others to come to off campus service events for young adults to experience Billings, Montana and invest themselves in civic opportunities. She is involved in TRIO Student Support Services at her campus, where she gains the social and academic support to fuel herself to then give back to her community.
Personal Statement
I first became involved in addressing social connectedness issues with the Student Activities Board (SAB) when another student approached me to participate with SAB and I got a wind of confidence to join in. I had been in a theater group in my hometown and hadn’t been as social then but I really do like to socialize. I never thought that I would be doing the things I would be doing now but am proud of how far I have come. SAB has opened several opportunities to travel for conferences, get up in front of a crowd to present as a leader, to enact positive changes, talk to my peers to understand what their feelings and needs are, and be more interactive to break out of my own comfort zone.