Lizabeth Davis
Salem State University
Lizabeth Davis is a sophomore student leader at Salem State and is passionate about civic engagement and helping youth discover their civic identity. Lizabeth’s interest in civic engagement began in high school where she volunteered with the Framingham High School Key Club for four years. During her time in Key Club, she served as the publicist and a liaison between Key Club and the Framingham community. Lizabeth also led an initiative to educate youth about the dangers of tobacco and vaping through the 84 Movement. Lizabeth and her peers met with elected officials to discuss the need to pass legislation to prevent tobacco industries from targeting youth and people of color. Her dedication and hard work contributed to Massachusetts passing a bill in fall of 2019. This bill banned flavored tobacco and electronic cigarette products. Lizabeth realized her passion for advocacy work through her involvement with Key Club and the 84 Movement. She is currently a L.E.A.D (Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy, and Diversity) Ambassador in the L.E.A.D Office where she assists student campus organizations with planning events.
Personal Statement
I am passionate about many social justice issues, with my top priorities being to address inequities in the education system and work with youth and their personal development. As a history major my objective is to teach students about the connection between history and civic engagement. I am currently volunteering at LEAP for Education in their Teen Center. LEAP is a nonprofit that works to empower students and provide them with the tools that they need to be successful in school and beyond. I am currently working on a project that will be displayed in the Teen Center helping adolescents embrace their identity and culture. I am also involved in advocacy work through the Center for Civic Engagement. I have been a member of the Center’s Civic Engagement Fellowship Program for the past two years. In that role I have had the opportunity to serve as a Voter Registration Ambassador, a member of the Advocacy Day Planning Committee, and am currently surveying middle and high school educators in Massachusetts on how they implement civic education into their curriculum.