Kaprisha Martin
In her three years at Denison University, Kaprisha has demonstrated extraordinary personal drive and an innate passion for community service. As a first year student, Kaprisha volunteered countless personal service hours as a member of the Denison Community Association (DCA). By this, her junior year, Kaprisha was elected to a position on the DCA cabinet where she has helped lead the 600 member student organization dedicated to community service and humanitarian outreach. She is a shining example of an engaged, motivated and compassionate leader. Through her work and many volunteer experiences, she has enlightened team members to community issues and helped awaken their social conscience, further extending her impact.
Personal Statement
Coming to Denison has given me so many opportunities to give back to the surrounding community. My freshman year was all about finding a way to make some impact on campus, besides in the classroom. I found that serving in our weekly Saturday services and volunteering in food recovery became important aspect of the community on and off campus, no matter how small my role. To me, service is an excellent way to foster the bonds created in the community I share with many outside of campus. I am the oldest of seven siblings and it is truly through them that I have come to love service. I would often be the person who they came to for help. Building relationships and maintaining them through the support of service is very humbling. I feel more connected with the people we help. Learning more about their aspirations along the way. I love working with younger students and children because not only do I become their helpers, but I also I become a part of the process of encouraging them to realize the power they have to shape the community. And I do that by being a good listener. That is why being on my school's service board is so important. I get to directly help in making service something that is done together, almost like a family.