Julie Gambill
Massachusetts College Liberal of Arts
Julie Gambill, a third-year student at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), is a student leader active in addressing food insecurity on MCLA's campus. In the last two years Julie has worked with the Volunteer Center to coordinate and manage the opening of the college's own food pantry as well as pilot and create a free meal entry program for the dining area. Both programs have already had a big impact on the MCLA community and have been an invaluable new resource.
Before coming to MCLA, Julie served with Americorps. They brought this passion for service and working with others to MCLA and plan to continue the good work of helping others.
Personal Statement
Julie first became involved in addressing issues related to income inequality and specifically food insecurity while serving in AmeriCorps NCCC, a federal volunteer program. During this time, they distributed emergency resources such as food, clothing, and hygiene products to people who had been impacted by the 2016 floods in Louisiana. Although there are several differences between the work they do on campus and their past experiences, they have found that the need continues to be as persistent and immediate and are excited for the opportunity to affect long lasting change at MCLA. On campus, they organize the operation of the food pantry and work to sustain a program that grants students access to the campus dining hall on an as-needed basis.