Jasity Mena
Connecticut College
Jasity Mena, class of '24 at Connecticut College, is an emerging educator and organizer committed to advancing social, economic, and political structures that support human flourishing. Jasity is actively involved in a number of campus and community initiatives focused on education, anti-racism, and coalition building. These include the Connecticut College Women of Color Coalition and service as an Executive Director of the People of Color Alliance. In addition, Jasity mentors high school seniors from the Southeastern CT region through New London’s Hispanic Alliance. Back home in New York City, Jasity continues to be active with food justice efforts and educational policy issues. Jasity has demonstrated that she is an outstanding organizer and leader committed to an ethos of civic engagement centered in social justice.
Personal Statement
Growing up I understood that there were problems in the education system that many students, like my brother and me from low-income households and students of color, face. These are institutional issues that de-voice and suppress bright minds. Determined to be the change, I got involved with the New York Civil Liberties Union’s Teen Activist Project. I testified and gave speeches at public hearings and forums to Department of Education officials, legislators, and hundreds of others, topics ranging from the education budget, school to prison pipeline, and service concerns for students with disabilities. On-campus my passion for education equity is fueled through my involvement in the Hispanic Alliance where I research and analyze Connecticut education policies. I aim to publish key findings with recommendations to address trends of inequality. Additionally, I mentor a Hispanic high school senior navigating the college application process and tutor a refugee connected to Paper Airplanes. These involvements demonstrate my commitment to intervening in barriers that suppress individuals from underserved communities. Lastly, I am committed to fostering spaces of inclusivity, activism, and awareness through my leadership role with campus-based affinity groups Women of Color Collective and the newly co-founded People of Color Alliance.