Grace Cady
Flathead Valley Community College
Grace Cady, a sophomore at Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC), is dedicated to promoting social justice for homeless children and teens. Since she was in high school, Grace has been highly active as a volunteer for the Heart Program, a nonprofit organization that encourages growth and graduation by helping meet the basic needs of local K-12 students struggling with homelessness.
Her experience at Heart Program has opened her eyes to the barriers that prevent many people from achieving a high school or college education. She understands that in order to be successful in school, children and teens need to have their basic physical and emotional needs met. After she graduates from FVCC, Grace plans to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a degree in political science. Ultimately, she hopes to graduate from law school and use her skills to promote social justice in the United States and abroad.
Grace is a high-achieving student who participates in FVCC's academically rigorous Honors Program. In addition to her studies and civic service, she holds a part-time job with a local photography business.
Personal Statement
Three years ago, I began volunteering for the Heart Program, a non-profit organization that helps meet the needs of homeless children and teens by providing them with free clothing, food, school supplies, tutoring, toiletries, and more. Early on in my service with the Heart Program, I was convinced that my work was going to have a huge impact on the community. What I didn't realize was that, above all else, the program would have a greater impact on me.
My service with the Heart Program has strengthened and humbled me. It has taught me to be confident in my ability to take on more than I think I can handle. I have learned that the program is more than giving a child fresh socks and a backpack. It also gives the child the opportunity to advance in the classroom and, ultimately, in life. By establishing a level playing field for every student in the classroom, every child is given an equal opportunity to succeed.
This experience has inspired me to pursue a degree in political science, and eventually, a law degree, so that I can use my skills and passion to promote social justice for all.