Geneva Walters
Ivy Tech Community College Northeast
Geneva "Genie" Walters is dedicated to making a true difference in her community and on her campus. With her work in student advocacy, Genie has worked with administrators and fellow students to best develop ways to address challenges faced by at-risk students and improve chances of educational attainment for vulnerable populations. Genie has spent her time as a student leader serving the student population in a display of true advocacy. As a peer mentor for students on academic probation she used her position to work with administrators for improvements in the program to better serve all students involved and increase the academic performance of those on restriction. As Student Government Association President of the Northeast region she dedicates her energies to both regionally and statewide to increasing the quality, efficiency, and access of student wrap-around services. On campus her efforts can be felt as she continues to expand the efforts against food insecurity while working to increase service learning efforts and access to regional student support services. Off campus and on, she lives her life as an example of service to others and works hard to spread the spirit of giving.
Personal Statement
I wish to learn from, excel in, and go beyond every challenge I face in life, and use those experiences to continue mentoring and advocating for other students. I choose to honor my past while marching with courage towards my future. I hope to always choose the ethical way by making a personal commitment to honesty and integrity. I strive to create a presence that is encouraging of diversity and inclusiveness for all. I find peacefulness and balance among all obligations by looking inward using my heart to guide my dreams and passions and my mind to pursue knowledge and skills. I will continue building a reputation of being dedicated to every aspiration in my personal, professional and academic life. I'll always remember to enjoy every moment along this journey finding laughter, love, and happiness each day.