Farrukh Nabiyev
Susquehanna UniversityFarrukh Nabiyev is active in Susquehanna University’s Student Government Association (SGA). Last year, he served as the SGA liaison for sustainability where he worked closely with the University’s Sustainability Coordinator and the Sustainability Committee. Farrukh is committed to mobilizing the campus community to actively contribute to sustainable practices. As a student representative on the sustainability committee, Farrukh regularly engages with Susquehanna’s executive vice president, director of facilities, and faculty. His work with the committee demonstrated his passion for the campus and surrounding community. Farrukh demonstrated his ability to represent diverse student views in committee work, while also disseminating information to his SGA peers and the entire campus community. His commitment to service and civic leadership exemplify Dr. Newman’s vision for the Fellows program. The staff at Susquehanna University’s Johnson Center for Civic Engagement regularly work with Farrukh in advancing community engagement efforts through sustainability initiatives and opportunities for community service. He worked closely with campus staff to increase awareness of and participation in the annual Eco Challenge initiative. Last year, Farrukh proposed new opportunities for students to participate locally in the Black Lives Matter movement.
Personal Statement
Being an immigrant and having grown up in America I was aware, from a young age, of the societal disparities that exists between each and every one of us. Growing up and entering college I learned how interconnected these issues are. The amount of prejudice we receive can stack. In order to address the root cause I realized promoting education in my community was a great start. I volunteered at my community library for 2 summers in my high school career, encouraging minds, young and old, to read, through incentives. At the start of my college life I applied for the sustainability seat on my university’s Student Government. I was drawn to this specific role for its ability to connect with the campus and educate the student body on the importance of environmental ethics and sustainability. Now I work at my university’s civic engagement center to actively engage in the volunteer services both in the background, helping to facilitate, and foreground, actively participating.