Ebony Luster
McKendree University
Ebony Luster got involved in civic responsibility projects as soon as she started at McKendree University. Her understanding of diversity deepened and expanded when she started to meet people who held all sorts of intersecting identities. She has dedicated her time to learning about them as well as her own. Ebony, along with a select few students, was responsible for transforming United Feminists to adopting an intersectional approach which has been reflected in the activities and advocacy they have done on and off campus. She is always pushing herself to learn more, and has attended a number of workshops about topics such as sexual assault, race and inclusion, disability rights, and social justice around the U.S. She continues to deepen her understanding and brings the information back to campus, educating her peers in hopes that the idea of caring for others will become a part of campus culture. Though she believes there is a long way to go, she continues striving towards a very inclusive world for all.
Personal Statement
My hopes and aspirations for social justice and social change include making sure that everyone regardless of their intersectional identities feels safe, appreciated, and included in our society. Often times, people who make the decisions that affect our everyday lives, come from the people that hold the most privileges. Sometimes, the decisions aren't inclusive of everyone; this motivates me as an advocate. I realize the intersections I hold but I am an advocate/ally for all marginalized communities and work to uplift everyone whether I am directly affected by the issue I am fighting for or not. By working with others, I believe that you gain perspective and understand diversity of thinking. Working with different people with the same passion, even if the issues aren't the same, will lead to change.