Bashiru Kormah
Augsburg College
Bashiru "BK" Kormah is a sophomore at Augsburg College pursuing majors in International Relations and International Business, with Spanish, Religion, and Leadership Studies minors. In addition to serving on student government, he is the student representative on the college's Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Committee. In his sophomore year BK joined LEAD (Leaders for Equity, Action, and Democracy), which is Augsburg's Bonner Program, through which he works as a youth development intern with elementary aged children in Minneapolis' Phillips neighborhood. This semester he is also balancing an internship with Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness where he works with the advocacy director to advance the organizations policy agenda with legislators and agency officials. In addition to his civic engagement work BK excels in the classroom and on the soccer field. He is a defender on Augsburg's Men's Soccer team, and earned the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) Academic All-Conference award which is given to student-athletes who meet sport-specific athletic requirements and maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. His leadership on campus and off shows he is a principled and engaged world citizen, a committed student, and a natural community connector.
Personal Statement
With the Brooklyn Bridge Alliance for Youth, I had the opportunity to represent youths in my city (Brooklyn Park, Minnesota) and youths in Brooklyn Center. With a cohort of 27 students who represented their schools and city, we had a huge impact in our community. I quickly learned that youth voices are extremely important if we are knowledgeable and work together as a team.
As a first year student at Augsburg, I joined student government to work with other student leaders to make an impact within our college. As a senator and later secretary, I learned that as an institution and a community, we have done extremely well, but we can always improve. With the mindset of always improving, this year I became a core member of Students for Racial Justice (educating my peers about racial and social issues). I help organize protests, rallies, and workshops to educate and to get student voices heard. I represent the day student body on the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity committee. As a Youth Development Intern at Banyan Community, my goal is inspire the young scholars to be active citizens.