Ashley Tomlinson
Alvernia University
Ashley Tomlinson, a junior Occupational Therapy Major, has demonstrated quite remarkable leadership abilities during her time at Alvernia, promoting and directing a variety of community engagement activities with other students. She is an inspiring young woman with clear ability in civic engagement and a sincere desire to seek long-term solutions for social issues.
Both on and off campus, Ms. Tomlinson has repeatedly shown superior organizational and leadership abilities. In her Senior Scholar Project and honors thesis, she worked to create an educational program for the community on HIV and AIDS prevention, and she has been an integral part of our Ignite Student Leadership Program. Unsurprisingly, Ms. Tomlinson was able to achieve all of this while maintaining exceptional academic marks, making the Dean's list every semester.
In addition to her work on campus, Ms. Tomlinson has been amongst the most involved students in Alvernia's elementary outreach programs through the South Reading Youth Initiative. Ms. Tomlinson is an accomplished student leader at Alvernia with a passion for Community Service and Civic Engagement. She is among the students I most respect and admire on campus, and as such it is my privilege and my pleasure to recommend her for this prestigious award.
Personal Statement
From a young age, I was encouraged to inspire those around me and be a positive influence in the lives of others. As I continued to grow and learn, I began to realize it is imperative to leave an impact on the world around me, whether it be on an individual basis or for a greater purpose. Service to others and the community around me has taken on an important role in my life. I have had the privilege to be an educational outreach team leader in the South Reading Youth Initiative, which provides students in the Reading School District a safe space to complete their homework assignments and to grow as lifelong learners. I have also had the opportunity to meet incredible individuals in the community through days of service and Franciscan Fridays. Our activities can vary from hanging out at the local Boys & Girls club, fixing up community gardens, or cleaning parks and other recreation areas. Without the ability to serve those around me and stand up against injustice, I would not be the person I am today. Service to others has taught me how to be an effective leader both on campus and in the community.