Ansley Miller
Kennesaw State University
Ansley Miller, a third year student at Kennesaw State University (KSU), is a leader engaged in work that promotes human rights and peace. She believes in the inherent value of all and has dedicated herself to activities that support and propel human rights and peace. To that end, she created a student organization called the Student Union of Universal Peace and Rights (SUUPR). The mission of the student group is advocacy and the promotion of policies that work towards peace and rights for all beings. Under her leadership, this organization has sponsored numerous events that have opened dialogue on many issues including human trafficking, immigration and GLBTQ rights.
In addition to her work with SUUPR, she is a part of KSU's Model United Nations group and travels to compete on behalf of the university at numerous competitions. She has effectively connected her academic work with her passions. This connection led to a research project resulting in her publishing an article entitled, "Does Oppressed Religious Liberty Cause an Uprising in Terror Attacks?" published in the KSU Undergraduate Research Journal. Ansley currently serves as an aide to a local representative in the Georgia House of Representatives.
Personal Statement
I am committed to making a difference and helping any soul that I can actively work with. I started a student organization at KSU in order to raise awareness of community and global animal, human, and environmental rights because I believe in order to change the world you have to start in the community you believe in first.