Andreina Fatima Sarmento Da Costa
Northampton Community College
Andreina is a United States Department of State Exchange Fellow studying at NCC for two years as part of the United States-Timor-Leste (USTL) Scholarship Program. Having been born before the liberation of Timor-Leste, Andreina is well knowledgeable of the violent consequences of political polarization. As a USTL fellow, she represents the top tier of undergraduate students and is committed to engaging communities to create long-term social change and global civic engagement. As a Health Sciences major, Andreina has an interest in nutrition, public health and climate change and has been recognized for her involvement in the global climate movement. She has explored the effect of malnutrition in Timor-Leste and is pursuing a career that will enable her to confront this challenge. In her home community, she has advocated for the rights of women and children and actively worked to end child abuse. During NCC’s International Education Week, she participated in the Country Profile Presentations and global civic engagement roundtable where she engaged audience members in conversations. I strongly believe that Andreina’s passion for civic engagement and aspiration to advance the rights of children, with an interest in ending malnutrition would make her a great asset to the fellowship program.
Personal Statement
When I first arrived in the US, I was so astonished by the people who treated me, they were so kind and helpful when it came to my education and my well-being. I am from East Timor, a country located in Southeast Asia where it has a lot of diversity in culture, people, and the wonderful sightseeing spots. In my country, people are so connected to each other, helping one another is one of the things that we value. In 2018, I volunteered for a group in my country where we address social issues such as early pregnancy and causes of malnutrition in the local community in every municipality. We helped people understand how to take care of their health and to reach out to support. Through volunteering activity, I believe that communication is crucial by creating awareness and providing information and education to people, especially people living in the local area. Right now, environmental and malnutrition challenges are rising in my country, and I plan to work with the NGOs that are currently helping my country, when I finish my study here at Northampton Community College.