Allyson Faulkner
Ferris State University
Ally, is a second year student at Ferris State University and has become very involved. She is currently a member of the track and field team, President of the Panhellenic Council, Vice President of Student Government, an Honors student, member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Vice President of the Debate team, Sisterhood Chair of Alpha Sigma Tau and Treasurer of Student Alumni Gold Club. Additionally, she is working to obtain a Global Competency Collaborative Program certificate through the International Office and to re-establish a political science registered student organization. In her short time at Ferris, she has made a significant impact on campus and in the community.
Personal Statement
I believe that education is the key to real fundamental change. Being a Political Science major, I am fully aware of the political polarization everywhere on campus, and across the world. While most people see this as a harsh reality of the political climate, we are looking at now and into the future, I see it more as an opportunity for great political reshaping and change through education. I believe in a responsive and effective government that is committed to the betterment of their constituents through programs for young people to help them understand their power and place in government.
Through my involvement at Ferris State, I have been given a unique opportunity to be able to reach out to a very diverse group of people. This has allowed me to make positive change for all by working for people of all backgrounds and political affiliations to finally have the opportunity to talk things out and learn, and grow, from the disagreements rather than being stuck in our own ideals as the only answer and not seeing the other side. While this is a small step in the big pool of political polarization, I believe that it will begin to bring big change in the future.