Adrian Villarreal
Texas Lutheran University
Adrian Villarreal, a second year student at Texas Lutheran University, is a student leader passionate about human rights and poverty eradication. Over the past year, Adrian has served alongside the Guadalupe Valley Habitat for Humanity, which serves TLU's surrounding community of Seguin, TX. In addition to recruiting and facilitating volunteer opportunities for TLU students with Habitat for Humanity at their Store and Home Builds, Adrian has helped to maintain the university's long-standing relationship with this community organization. He is currently working to grow curricular partnerships with Habitat to meet ongoing needs they have at their Store.
Personal Statement
Growing up, I spent the summer months helping my grandmother run the Parish food pantry at our church in my hometown. Having this experience throughout my childhood hammered home the idea that every person is entitled to fulfillment of their basic human rights - whether that be a roof over their head or having three warm meals a days - regardless of whom they are or where they are from. As I got older and left home for college, my eyes were opened to the people in the university's surrounding community that live without access to their basic rights, similarly to those in my hometown growing up. These cyclical systems of poverty became a pattern I noticed in various communities, and I wanted to lead the effort of finding local solutions. Serving alongside Guadalupe Valley Habitat for Humanity with the TLU Center for Servant Leadership has allowed me to connect my peers with people in need in our community and create advocates for social change.